hey God, I want to know how you, install a soul without a hand to show you never show anyone how, you came to be |----14----14-12-11-|----11----11-9-12-|---12---12-11-9-|---9------------ |-12----12----------|-12----12---------|-9----9---------|-7---7~~~/12---- |-------------------|------------------|----------------|---------------- |-------------------|------------------|----------------|---------------- LYRIC TREATMENT BY "MADREN" ON SONGFIGHT hey God, I want to know how you, install a soul and give it control and yet you still know exactly what it's going to do (Yes this last line messes up the meter I'm sure but it ties up the verse nicely.) hey God, I want to see who you, want me to be In more than just dreams In more than just scenes exactly what steps I should choose